This week I made connections with two people in the blogsphere. Let me introduce you to them.
Bill Hobbs is a veteran journalist and blogger in Tennessee. He and his family enjoyed a visit to Austin last year. While surfing the 'Net recently, Bill stumbled across our company name. Curious, he clicked through to our Web site and then our new blog, Blog@bilities (see the sidebar here for recent headlines).
Bill was impressed to find a public relations firm in Austin that "gets" social media, one of his passions. So he dropped us an e-mail and then he blogged about us! (here)
The second connection I made was with Toby Bloomberg, located in Atlanta. I posted a comment on her Diva Marketing Blog, thanking her for some great information she had shared about business blogging. Toby replied in the Comments section, then sent me a short e-mail note of thanks. I replied, and another connection was made.
Today I found out that Toby hosts another blog. Blogger Stories "chronicles the stories of how the blogosphere has touched people's lives and, in doing so, opened the door to new ways of creating relationships and opportunities." I'm looking forward to browsing the site more - who doesn't love reading a good story?
The Internet has made the world a much, much smaller place. Perhaps one of these days I'll cross paths with Toby or Bill at a conference or seminar, and we'll get together for a cup of coffee and some great conversation. Cream and sugar, y'all? . . . . .
Connie - thanks for your kind shout outs. Would love to include your blogger story! If you want to play along please let me know.
Posted by: Toby | November 18, 2006 at 05:13 PM
Thanks for the invite, Toby! Sounds like fun. I'll make it a point to put on my storytelling hat and send you something in the next couple of weeks.
Posted by: Connie | November 18, 2006 at 05:34 PM