One of the great features of the Internet is its ability to reconnect people who've lost touch. Over 20 years ago, Terry Taylor and I started free-lancing about the same time while living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. A few years later we both moved away, and I lost touch with Terry and his wife, Susan.
A few months ago I googled Terry and found him here. We've had fun carrying on e-conversations since then and recently decided we'd turn our attention to a blog. I hope you'll check it out, because these two aging Southern Baby Boomers are having a blast as the Blogabillies.
How'd we come up with the name? I had created a company blog, called Blogabilities, for our PR firm. When I let the extended family know about it, my cousin Suzanne (sister of Carla, who hosted the family recording session) misread the name. She thought it said Blogabillies and asked me if it was about hillbillies who blog.
Well, I just couldn't let that thought go, so when Terry and I decided to unleash our incessant scribblin' on an unsuspecting blogosphere, we called our effort Blogabillies. Now T-Bone and Belle are yammerin' on a regular basis, telling stories about growing up in the South, about working in advertising, marketing, branding, communications, writing, publishing, PR (we've covered a lot of territory between us), and in general celebrating the Southern lifestyle.
Y'all stop by and say, "howdy!"