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June 20, 2007



That sounds absolutely wonderful! A family tradition that is REAL and emotional and involves everyone whole heartedly instead of just grinning and bearing(?) it. I love it.


That sounds absolutely wonderful! A family tradition that is REAL and emotional and involves everyone whole heartedly instead of just grinning and bearing(?) it. I love it.


That sounds absolutely wonderful! A family tradition that is REAL and emotional and involves everyone whole heartedly instead of just grinning and bearing(?) it. I love it.

Susan Reynolds

I haven't played a game of monopoly with my husband for over twenty years. Until now I thought his cut-throat approach could be blamed on being raised some place I considered wayyyy down south in Georgia & thus still feeling the sting of northern aggression.

Come to find out it might just mean he's somehow related to you!

Susan Reynolds

I haven't played a game of monopoly with my husband for over twenty years. Until now I thought his cut-throat approach could be blamed on being raised some place I considered wayyyy down south in Georgia & thus still feeling the sting of northern aggression.

Come to find out it might just mean he's somehow related to you!

Steve Roesler


Based on your detailed description, I think we may be related.

Karen Putz

Sounds like a blast! Happy graduation to your daughter.

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Meet the Blogabillies

  • T-Bone is the alter ego of natural-born storyteller Terry Taylor, whose real job involves creating TV and radio campaigns for an ad agency. He also writes Big River's company blog, By the Campfire. Yeah, he's won awards and has worked ever'place from LA to New Yawrk City, but there's still a lot of small-town Alabama in him. In other words, you can dress T-Bone up, but you can't take him nowhere.
  • Belle is written by Connie Reece, a conversational writer and social media consultant. She is the founder of Every Dot Connects and a co-founding member of Social Media Club. You won't usually find her wrapped in the feather boa; it makes her hot flashes worse. But her wardrobe does favor hues of hot pink. Belle says, "Just 'cause they call it fashion don't mean they can pawn it off on me."

That's right, I'm an SOB